"Action WITHOUT vision is only passing time, Vision without ACTION is merely day dreaming, but Vision WITH action can Change the WORLD."
- Nelson Mandela
"Whatever we THINK we are is WHAT we BECOME."
- Traveling Toward Transformation
Lovely Ladies & Girl's Sharing Lovely Words...
Travena has been blessed with many talents, but one that is extremely contagious is the way she commands an audience to intake all that she is presenting. Once you leave her presence you feel empowered and motivated to do and be better. She truly is a lady with a lot of LOVE for GOD and the passion to help others. She is both Humble and Dynamic! I have been blessed in the reading of her book, Traveling Toward Transformation, hearing her speak and having her autograph my book. She is truly someone you want to carry along with you through life.
- R. Whittle, AL

Hello and thank you for taking time to visit. ​
I am a sought after National Speaker, Best Selling Published Author, Girl's Coach, & Playwright
My Prayer and Goal is to provide the 'Bounce Back Tools'
for 1,000 Girls and Young Ladies
I am continuing to travel Nationally as a requested Keynote Speaker for Ladies Events
I have been coaching & mentoring girls and young Ladies for over 30 years. I love every aspect of providing girl's with tools to navigate through life's ups and downs, while helping them recognize & reach their fullest potential.
If you're a Teenage girl or young lady, I am over the moon happy that you are visiting my website!!
I would love to be meeting you in person, but for now I trust that you will take a moment to get to know about me on this site and learn about my Teen offerings through
I have NOT forgotten what it's like to be a teenager and the overwhelm you feel from life: School pressures (academic & socially), trying for fit in or find your place, feeling awkward among your peers, wondering what to do with your life after high school, the nervousness in being the new kid, heading off to the unknown of college, family issues, losing a loved one, and let's not forget dating and wondering if you'll ever have a boyfriend.
There are so many things vying for your attention and you're just hoping to keep up and attempt to make the right choices through it all.
I hope that you will visit often and or open the door to receive my help to hold your hand and walk you through life's ups and downs, because as we all know life is full of ups and downs.
I trust that you will reach out to me, visit & follow my blog for encouragement, purchase my book, have me as your coach, or meet me during one of my speaking & book signings.
Very soon I will have some additional resources for
Tweens, Teens, & Young Ladies
to download here with some helpful information for Parents
so check back with me often to get your free guides.
I love pictures, just like my 103 year old grandmother.
I have more than a lot and tried to share some here on my website.
Feel free to browse my photos as
ALL of them are true treasures to my heart and precious memories of my travels.
I've met many faces, taught many girls and women.
Perfect is not what I seek to be, but Follower of Jesus is where my footsteps will be!
I absolutely LOVE writing, speaking, mentoring, teaching, and creating thought provoking plays to cause others to think and consider their footsteps.
The more I study, meditate, and write the more I grow spiritually!
As a creator, visionary, and playwright I approach the world with eyes of an artist, the heart of a counselor, the ears of a listener, and the spirit of a writer.
I see possibilities where others see only mountains, and I see power where others see only pain.
I Love to write; words flow easily from my heart, and I make the deliberate choice daily to encourage, edify, and move others toward the life GOD wants them to live .
My heart beats rapidly with excitement as an idea becomes a reality on paper in front of me.
I Love learning and seeking knowledge. As I speak & coach to women, girls, I take their hands leading each of them along my journey, by reiterating the words of Jesus and sharing my own personal struggles, with illustrations that are both relatable and thought provoking.
I am genuinely passionate and serious about what God has blessed me to do!
I learned to dream through reading, learned to love Jesus through studying and living by His word. I have no greater joy than to share the power of His words through speaking, writing, and coaching/mentoring,
it fills my life!

I love spending time with my christian friends, having lunch, tea, or grabbing dinner just to relax. I love the word of God!!!
Studying, researching, & journaling scripture is my absolute favorite thing to do with my time. I cannot get enough of His word. It completes me! It delivers me! It aides me! It covers me! It empowers me! I could never study or teach enough or spend enough time relishing in it!!!
Thank You All!!
I have been blessed in meeting so many women and girls (as you are reading this, you may have been one of them) at book signings, retreats, youth events, ladies events, mentorship and or Bible classes.
I would relish in gathering all of you together and meeting for dinner. I must admit having you all to myself, as we pour words of encouragement and positivity into each other would be a welcomed blessing.
Thank you for the notes, emails, cards, calls, and gifts I have received. Meeting you has meant more to me than words are able to express.
Whether far or near I have been enriched, motivated, inspired, and influenced completely and fully.
Your words have lifted me when I have fallen; Your prayers have engulfed me and helped me to stay focused.
As I pray for all the women and girls I have been blessed to encounter over the years; as well as the many I have yet to meet, my prayer is to see each of you in heaven; as we sit in sweet fellowship saturating ourselves in the love of our sweet Father!
Until we meet again...stay strong, endure, & fight the good fight!
Love always,
Travena Rogan