We have implemented for the past two years
"Girl's Gatherings"
for all girls & young ladies ages 12-22.
The goals and objectives for Girl's Gatherings are to meet quarterly and provide spiritual resources through christian speakers, devotionals, & spiritual applications.
The Tennessee Girl's Symposium is held once a year and a lot can happen in a year.
We wanted those who participate within the symposium and others to have opportunity to fellowship and discuss solutions with application of biblical principles as we equip them with tools to get through the daily ups & downs of life.
Girl's Gatherings have been a welcomed and tremendous success every time we are blessed to meet.
If you would like to attend a gathering, please leave your email on the contact Travena page and we will notify you of our next gathering!
| Girls Ministry |
| Girls Ministry |
"Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." - Proverbs 31:30
As we are blessed to connect with girls and we have the following objectives in meeting the needs of each girl:
Introduction of biblical principles through "Girls Gathering" events:
classes, mentorship, private coaching, retreats, fellowship, virtual online mentoring, camps & seminars.

We serve & introduce girls (tweens, teens, & young female adults) toward a new way of thinking. We keep in mind the teachings of Philippines 4: 8 "...Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
We believe Proverbs 23:7 when it states,
"For as he thinketh in his heart so is he..."
Jeremiah 10:23
"...I know that the way of man is NOT in HIMSELF; it is not in man that walketh to direct his OWN steps."
We provide biblical resources to create awareness so actions are not spontaneous, but thought out & prayed over. Girls are often emotional, and reactive & respond to how they are feeling. We teach them how to redirect their focus & trust, which is placing their life in God, not others or themselves.

Our prayer & goal is to provide each girl with a solid foundation of God's Holy word.
We open doors they may have closed. We give direction toward developing & maintaining a relationship with God. This format is presented through classes, presentations, sharing, and application.
Faith is predicated upon what one hears, meditates on & applies.
Romans 10:17
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." One of our other objectives is to point each girl toward biblical solutions to life's challenges.
We encourage each girl to develop an ongoing sustainable, dependent relationship with their Creator. As this is accomplished they experience the unconditional love of God and are open to give His love to others.

Many girls are attempting to find their way through life, but often are standing on weak foundations. Oftentimes their struggles come from peer pressure, social media, and so-called friends. We show and guide them in depending upon Gods security and foundation. They learn God dependence and not self dependence. We plant seeds of guidance in choosing friends wisely. We reiterate the words of Jesus and derive a workable plan of action,
as they learn to meditate and apply God's word.
In this they become fearless, bold, and ready to meet and conquer the demands of life; as well as the hidden devices of satan.
I John 4:18
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

Every female (Mom, daughter, sister, neice) were created for God's purpose. We each have a place in God to fulfill, so He may be glorified. We incorporate learning skills through developmental classes to guide each girl toward a more fulfilling life.
Colossians 3:2
"Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth."
We provide Moms and mentors with the biblical tools and encouragement to listen effectively and communicate compassionately.
James 1:19
...Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath."
As we learn various methods of communication, we increase their /our motivation to become our better selves

We LOVE helping girls NAVIGATE through LIFE!!
We LOVE helping girls NAVIGATE through LIFE!!
Lovely Ladies & Girl's Sharing Lovely Words...
Lovely Ladies & Girl's Sharing Lovely Words...
"When I first met Mrs. Travena, I knew she was special. Not long after we met, she invited me to the Tennessee Girls Symposium, where she asked me to read scripture. I really wasn't sure what to expect. After the event, I knew Mrs. Travena & Mrs. Elaine were doing something very special by directing the Tennessee Girls Symposium & Girl's Gatherings. The fellowship I have with those young women and life lessons learned are immeasurable. Later on, I was asked to speak at a Girls Gathering where I shared my testimony. Then, I was asked to share my story again at the TN Girls Symposium. I didn't think my story was anything special, but Mrs. Travena knew it was and could help other girls. She has always been very encouraging in my walk with Christ. The amount of lives changed by her and her ministry is numerous. She has been a huge blessing in my life, and I could not be more grateful for her and all she does with these very special events."
- Abbi, Age 19, TN
Dear Mrs. Travena,
We have been studying I & II Timothy in our Bible Class this quarter. Timothy looked up to Paul for leadership and guidance. We have been challenged to choose someone we look up to and appreciate & write them a letter of thanks. In the past year my family and I have been at Millersville, you have helped us out, especially me, in so many different ways. I really appreciate your willingness and desire to serve other people and our Lord. You have inspired me to find more opportunities to serve God's people. I also appreciate your passion in ministering to young women. I loved having our girls' class last fall, and I hope we will be able to do it again in the future.
You have helped me grow so much as a Christian in the short amount of time I have known you. I have so much respect for you and I am very blessed that God has put you in my life. Thank you for the enormous impact you've made in my life. Much love.
- Mikayla, Age 15, TN
The Tennessee Girl's Symposiums & Girl's Gatherings have been such a blessing to me. It has provided several opportunities to create connections with other like-minded christian girls. It also is just a great place to fellowship and just learn how to lead a Christ-like life with others who understand the struggles of life. I pray that the Tennessee Girl's Symposium and Girl's Gathering ministry continues to bless those who take part in it.
- Becky, Age 16 TN
| Our Story |
| Our Story |
Tennessee Girl's Symposium was created and founded upon the need for girls to have opportunity to meet other christian girls and share in the plight to become God's faithful daughters.
Travena saw the need for girls to have lectureships and symposiums for their own age groups and this was not being done on a bigger scale, thus the TN Girl's Symposium was born .
She discussed her ideas with her dear friend, Elaine and she agreed to the same need. They have worked as a team over many years providing spiritual growth avenues for girls.
Elaine agreed to this mission, became the Co-Founder, and they still continue moving forward and creating new ideas for girls to be blessed.
"GOD continues leading us, as we are following HIM & we are THANKFUL for every moment!! "
The Tennessee Girls Symposium was created to touch the lives of every girl!
Girl's Gatherings have become a tremendous addition to the symposium series, as they continue to meet all girls where they are and continue opening hearts toward the four tiers:
Focus, Faith, Fearlessness, & Fulfillment.
Tennessee Girl's Symposium was created and founded upon the need for girls to have opportunity to meet other christian girls and share in the plight to become God's faithful daughters.
Travena saw the need for girls to have lectureships and symposiums for their own age groups and this was not being done on a bigger scale, thus the TN Girl's Symposium was born .
She discussed her ideas with her dear friend, Elaine and she agreed to the same need. They have worked as a team over many years providing spiritual growth avenues for girls.
Elaine agreed to this mission, became the Co-Founder, and they still continue moving forward and creating new ideas for girls to be blessed.
"GOD continues leading us, as we are following HIM & we are THANKFUL for every moment!! "
The Tennessee Girls Symposium was created to touch the lives of every girl!
Girl's Gatherings have become a tremendous addition to the symposium series, as they continue to meet all girls where they are and continue opening hearts toward the four tiers:
Focus, Faith, Fearlessness, & Fulfillment.

Travena Rogan, Founder
Travena Rogan, Founder
Thanks for visiting our page!
I am the founder of the "Tennessee Girls Symposium Series" (no, you don't have to be a Tennessean to attend any of our events!)
Elaine Reynolds and I have labored collectively for many years in supporting and empowering girls! God has led our footsteps and hearts toward the navigational foresight in helping girls.
Our prayer, purpose, & goal for this series is to seek to strengthen personal relationships between God and girls; while promoting spiritual growth, evangelism, fellowship, accountability, and interchange.
We host the yearly TN Girl's Symposium at varied locations, please refer to the Contact Page so we may notify you once registration opens.
We are in the planning stages of incorporating a weekend retreat to gain extended time together and increased knowledge, fellowship, and direction.
I was blessed with an extremely strong and influential mother. Her passing was devastating, but she left me with her stamina, encouragement, & love to become whatever I desired. She would always say, "Don't ever say you can't do something, just find a way to do it, and begin!!
Her words continue to resonate in my heart everyday. I hold to the precious Hand of my Lord, as He continues leading me on a journey of teaching, speaking, writing, and creating plays that lead young people toward a thought process of considering and taking their place in this world. My mom taught me how to "stand up and be counted" to practice humility, to be a leader, and that being "different" is the best gift!!
My love and concern for all young people, especially girls has allowed me over 30 years, to mentor, coach, teach, influence, and aide women & girls in navigating through life, so they can live their best life!
I have been given a myriad of opportunities to travel throughout the United States, speaking and or teaching at girls symposiums, camps, retreats, schools, ladies seminars, and Bible classes. I have created Bible class curriculum, hosted sleep-overs, planned volunteer opportunities, written, produced, and directed plays for Youth Seminars & girls events. I love every minute of it!!
For every time, we witness a female saying YES to God, and NO to Satan, she has defeated the influence of him in her life. Her very steps become closer to Jesus, the One, who created her for His purpose.
My motto is: "as you study and learn to love God, you will learn to love yourself. This enables you to give love to those you come in contact with. This is the essence of GOD!"
My ultimate prayer and desire is to point women and girls toward their creator, so they can become saturated in His words, guidance, power, and strength!!
In honor of my Mother's sweet memory, I daily choose through writing, speaking, teaching, & mentoring, to lead females toward a significant and needed relationship with God as He is to be glorified through each of us.
Please come back and visit this page and my blog often, to find out about upcoming girls activities, events where I will be speaking, or just to be encouraged to never give up!
You can also view my Bounce Back University page for online courses, private, & group coaching services. Find a class offering that will fit your needs and contact me and or have your parent contact me for a complimentary inquiry call.
You never know, our paths may just happen to cross at one of our events or at a book signing!
Transform with me, find your purpose and take your position, in this place, we call life; with boldness, knowledge, and courage.
Hope we can meet together soon at one of our events, but until then, if you are in the Mt. Juliet, Tennessee area, join me and my family as we worship, with our church family at the Mt. Juliet Church of Christ, twice Sundays and Wednesday nights for Bible Class.
I'd love for you and your family to visit! Until then be encouraged, motivated, and moved to live your best life, because of the ONE who loves you so deeply!!
Elaine Reynolds, Co-Founder
Elaine Reynolds, Co-Founder
Hi and welcome to our Tennessee Girls Symposium page! We are happy you are here!
My favorite things are: Shopping, traveling, serving the Lord in any capacity, and spending time with my grandchildren.
I have been mentoring, teaching, challenging, and encouraging girls to be the young ladies GOD requires them to be for over 27 years! I have hosted girls sleep overs, co-written curriculum, coordinated Ladies/girls retreats & spent countless hours on the phone and or person, with girls, encouraging them to make good and safe choices.
I have taught and or spoken at various Youth Seminars, Ladies & Girls events frequently. Travena and I love meeting girls through their challenges, celebrating with them in their joys, and leading them toward God, so their talents, voices, and obstacles can be used for HIS glorification. We want to see you successful spiritually, thriving as a female, and empowered to live within the road map GOD has left for you and me to follow.
I have been blessed with two children, one a daughter, and seven beautiful grandchildren. These little souls are my why, for taking this journey with God, to help them, & as many girls, as I can, to be what God would have them to be. I hope you will join us at a girls event & bring your friends. We have been working with girls for over 50 years, between the both of us. We would love to encourage, support, and assist you.
Come back and visit often, as we will be updating our events page, with you in mind.
I look forward to meeting you at one of our events or reconnecting with those we already know.
If you live in the Nashville area, join me and my family as we worship with our spiritual family, at Crieve Hall Church of Christ twice on Sunday's & on Wednesday nights for Bible class!! I'll save you a seat beside me! Looking forward to meeting with you soon!!

WE just COMPLETED our 2021 TN Girls Symposium and it was FANTASTIC!!
Stay TUNED for MORE upcoming information and EVENTS for 2022!!
please check back with us SOON for further details!
WE just COMPLETED our 2021 TN Girls Symposium and it was FANTASTIC!!
Stay TUNED for MORE upcoming information and EVENTS for 2022!!
please check back with us SOON for further details!
Contact Us
Contact Us
Leave us your email, so we can notify you A.S.A.P. as Registration for our Events open!!
You are welcome to leave us a messsage also.
THANK YOU for being a part of 2021 TN GIRLS SYMPOSIUM!!!
Leave us your email, so we can notify you A.S.A.P. as Registration for our Events open!!
You are welcome to leave us a messsage also.
THANK YOU for being a part of 2021 TN GIRLS SYMPOSIUM!!!
-Take a look at our photo gallery-
-Take a look at our photo gallery-

We always have such FUN!!
We always have such FUN!!