Lovely Ladies & Girl's Sharing Lovely Words...
Lovely Ladies & Girl's Sharing Lovely Words...
The Tennessee Girl's Symposiums & Girl's Gatherings have been such a blessing to me. It has provided several opportunities to create connections with other like-minded christian girls. It also is just a great place to fellowship and just learn how to lead a Christ-like life with others who understand the struggles of life. I pray that the Tennessee Girl's Symposium and Girl's Gathering ministry continues to bless those who take part in it.
- Becky, Age 16 TN
"Travena, I am especially thankful of how you lift God up as your source of faith and thanksgiving (no matter the situation or outcome.)
Thankful you see His presence in such a way. I wish I'd had a 'Travena' when I was a teen, it would have stopped so many shortcomings and wrong choices. I am thankful that God never gave up on me though and now I am safe in His arms."
F. Loyd- TN
Loved hearing you so much!!!
As I spend the day watching my husband work and praying for his safety, I will be digging into your book. Well, first I came away from the Ladies Day, with a headache, because my mind was overflowing (in a good way), but after a while I stopped hurting and realized that I just need to get UP and FLY!!!
With the help of my granddaughter, I did just that!!
I wish I could fly like you!! You have the blood of Jesus plumbing through you faster than a speeding bullet!!!
R. Russell - Tennessee
I loved the way you linked changing our heart to the stages of a butterfly. I think our individual relationship with God grows like roots of the tree when we submit to His will.
True transformation only comes when we convert our comfortable lives and challenge ourselves to become uncomfortable for God's plan.
To live a Christ centered life, I must transform NOT conform!
Thank you for your lesson and inspiring words.
T. Curd- Tennessee
I was SO excited for them!!!!!
I told them that they would LOVE you!!! Prayers for a successful day!!
D. Crisp- Tennessee
The Old Union love is like none other, and we were so very glad to share it with you...YOU are a special lady and the love of God truly is shining through you. I got so much from you, but the greatest blessing to me, I feel is my search for peace. Since my husband passed God has continued to teach me such great lessons...We always strive daily to be better, but yet we forget that, that big house or that new car or those fancy new boots that we continue to buy are not and never have been what makes us happy.
Those things are very short lived. I now know that none of those are important! What is important is that God is living in your life with you.
Peace cannot an will not be received without GOD.
He shows us over and over, but we just do not pay attention. Well I pay attention to every minute of every day, now because God directs my path daily.
You are a great blessing to all you touch!!! I am grateful that God sent you to us at OU and especially in my life. This journey is hard, but because of your wonderful words, I know that God is going to continue with me until I complete it. He will sustain me and love me through it. Thank you for your love and our new friendship/sisterhood in Christ!
I thank your for this wonderful book and I will continue to read it over and over. We just always must put God first and He will complete the rest!!! I am so very grateful to no w have you in my life. I am learning to wait.
J. Haynes - Tennessee
J. Byrd- Tennessee
All of this is not what God wants for me. I want to do more, but now my health will not let me. there are still things I can do. I have learned so much from your teaching at our Ladies Day. You spoke in a language that was plain facts and easy to understand.
May God let you continue teaching His great lessons. May you enjoy life to the fullest. Thank you. I truly love you and all my sisters-in-Christ!!
N. Hutton - Tennessee
K. Russell- Tennessee
Can't wait until next year!! We had 75 wonderful ladies to join us!!
Thanks Travena!!
A. White - Tennessee
She was so encouraging!!
Jenny R. - Tennessee
R. Jones- Tennessee
L. Davis- Tennessee
Because of HIM!!!
Keep on Blessing Beautiful Sister!!!
Ira B. - Tennessee
I wish that I could have heard all of the second part and I will. I know I have to continue to learn to stop doubting myself. I do that a lot and not knowing I do. God believes in me and I NEED to believe in me and come out of my cocoon and learn to fly more. So thankful that God put you in my life and grateful you agreed to speak to all of the wonderful ladies at OU Ladies Day!!
You truly have a gift Travena and love, love, love your heart and your love for God!!
T. Pryor - Tennessee
Pat R. - Tennessee
Kristi S. - Tennessee
Your Message was uplifting, encouraging, and challenging! Thank you so much!!!
I am so thankful for yesterday! Everything about the day was wonderful!! Thank you Travena and the ladies at Old Union!
T. Haynes - Tennessee
Donna S. - Tennessee
Vicki Y. - Tennessee
We met today at Old Union CofC, enjoyed your lesson and encourage you to continue growing and teaching. So many points mentioned today were spot on with me and I am sure with others.
I was encouraged to get out of my comfort zone, to speak up when its wrong and edify when its right! Lady I thought you were talking to me personally! Love you!
Shelta S. - Tennessee
Thank you Travena for your wonderful book, "Traveling Toward Transformation" It has been a total blessing to our Tuesday night sisters class, as I facilitate the final chapter and class, "Peacefulness of Surrendering", this Tuesday November 28th. Your book was very informative, thought provoking, and sincere. Thanks again, may God continue to bless you & your lovely family.
Phyllis P. - Wisconsin
I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation this past Saturday in Waukegan, IL at the North Shore C of C. I bought your book, that I am currently reading. We were visiting from Kenosha, Wisconsin. I can tell you that on the way home the discussion centered on how much everyone enjoyed hearing and meeting you. Stay encouraged and know that you are helping women to " Come Out of Their Cocoons!" I pray that our paths cross again, God bless you and the work you do in His name!
Gwen B. - Wisconsin
I found this book very informative, in an easy to read format. The questions and applications at the end of chapters are thought provoking and inspire self examination to those who are willing. These tools can be used again, and again to recognize barriers and shortcomings in our spiritual walk; as well as facilitating a plan to overcome. Don't just read it, do it and you will be transformed.
Christy C. - Tennessee
Thank you for being an inspiration to anyone who reads your book. This book was written by a person who has not been a member of the Church of Christ for a lifetime. It is written so that anyone at any intellectual level will be able to understand what it has to say. There is scripture to back-up what is being said; as well as life experiences. It is very meaningful and thought provoking for a member of the church or not. This book is very well written.
Barbara S. - Tennessee
God continues to bless you to encourage, motivate, and inspire others for His work! Love to you and your family!
Lisa M. - Tennessee
Your words are your gift to the world!!
Miriam R. - Tennessee
The Ladies of North Shore Church of Christ thank you for your service and wisdom you bestowed on us this day, March 18, 2017. May God's blessings be with you.
Sisters of North Shore C of C
- Waukegan, Illinois
Traveling Toward Transformation is an excellent read for any female who wants to develop a closer relationship with God. As you read this book, you will never want to put it down. Each point that is made in this book is very thorough and makes you want to learn more about yourself. As a young adult, I have learned a lot about how to be a Christian woman through reading this book. It is one of my favorite books to read when I want to excel more in my Christian walk.
Kara C. - Tennessee
This book along with the Bible is a must have to help you learn, and while enduring trials and tribulations! Traveling Toward Transformation, is a leading guide toward spiritual alteration. Travena pushes you to an awakening of a higher self, by way of the Bible & personal experience. You're receiving class "A" training to be a different kind of being. A spiritual being in the image of Christ with an increasing capacity to do the will of God. If you're looking for real change, the kind with clear teaching about the nature of Christ with transformative principles that modifies how you respond in the world, then get this book to catalyze that process. You won't be disappointed!! During her live presentation at our Ladies' Day, she was relatable, approachable, and so humble. I felt like I had known her all my life. Loved her accent so much, I almost started talking like her!
Marlene I. - Illinois
Dear Mrs. Travena,
We have been studying I & II Timothy in our Bible Class this quarter. Timothy looked up to Paul for leadership and guidance. We have been challenged to choose someone we look up to and appreciate & write them a letter of thanks. In the past year my family and I have been at Millersville, you have helped us out, especially me, in so many different ways. I really appreciate your willingness and desire to serve other people and our Lord. You have inspired me to find more opportunities to serve God's people. I also appreciate your passion in ministering to young women. I loved having our girls' class last fall, and I hope we will be able to do it again in the future.
You have helped me grow so much as a Christian in the short amount of time I have known you. I have so much respect for you and I am very blessed that God has put you in my life. Thank you for the enormous impact you've made in my life. Much love.
Mikayla, Age 15, TN
It is rare to spend time with the author of the book you're teaching from Sister Travena Rogan, the author of Traveling Toward Transformation, I thank you! May God continue to Bless you.
Janina H. - Illinois
In reading "Traveling Toward Transformation" I learned that I must unpack all the past bags and give them to GOD; in order for me to travel towards my transformation. Travena, you climbed up that ladder (during our Ladies Day) to help us understand that we all have some past bags, we have carried into our present, that we must let go, so we can transcend toward the Lord's future for us. I have heard you loud and clear and have moved on! Thank you LORD for giving Travena words of love that hit our hearts to move us into action for your future for us. Thank you Travena for answering the call from the LORD with your book!
Bernice H. - Illinois
Wonderful from where I'm at--to helping me be, where I need & want to be! Studying from your book in our Ladies Bible Class is good. We need it all day. everyday!
Barbara C. - Illinois
In the reading of your book, it confirmed my transformation. My sisters at North Shore could see it! You were both Wonderful and Real, during your presentation at our Ladies' Day! Kimberly G. - Illinois
We are blessed at every Ladies' Bible Study as we study from your book, Sister Rogan...Praise God for you stimulating our thinking with His word.
Diane H. - Illinois
Hello sis!! You were awesome (at our Ladies' Day)!! Thanks so much for blessing us with your wisdom, knowledge, and tell-it-straight-up in a spiritual been-there-ain't-going-back way!!!! Love ya.
May you continue to be the strength us Ladies' need!!
Tina K. - Illinois
Your Lesson in our (Ladies Bible Class) was awesome! I could not believe how comfortable you were speaking. I am also enjoying your book! Thank you for being so willing to share God's word. Thankful you are a part of the MJ congregation. Love you & look forward to getting to know you better.
May E. - Tennessee
"Teaching open Bible Class is my passion, but I must say, teaching you was a hidden treasure. Travena Rogan is the real deal and she lives her life that way. Her speeches inspire all ages and her love for God, and His people shines through in every word. I love you sweet Sis & think of you always. Thanks for being true & faithful."
Janice M. - Georgia
WHAT A DAY WE HAD TODAY! Sister Travena, thank you for bringing such an inspiring message on the Beattitudes! You really were a blessing to us!
Connie K. - TN
We are using your book, Traveling Toward Transformation in our Ladies Bible Class in Greenbrier, Arkansas. Thank you for writing it!
Becky B. - Arkansas
We have chosen to study from your book in our Wednesday Night Ladies Bible Class, we are looking forward to it!!
Joyce M. TN